• scissors
    February 25th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    It’s official!  NPH is definitely going to be on Glee, playing perhaps a not-so-nice character á la Dr. Horrible.  Since he’s one of my all-time favorite funny people, this is just getting me more and more pumped for April!

    Also, apparently the Glee kids got to record for The Simpsons!  I might just have to watch it!

  • scissors
    February 24th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    The reunion we’ve all been waiting for!  Angela Chase and Jordan Catalano (aka Claire Danes and Jared Leto) of My So Called Life, reunited once again, at an event in London.  Is it just me, though, or does Claire Danes not really look a lot like Claire Danes in that picture?

  • scissors
    February 20th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    This post is completely unrelated to teenage television, but I think this video of my friend’s handbell choir playing Lady Gaga’s Poker Face is great!!

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  • scissors
    February 18th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    Okay, so now it won’t seem to open (too much internet traffic perhaps–blast you Internal Server Error!), but Aha, it’s working now!   My brother sent me a link to a prety funny review of Glee by a conservative Christian website.  Ooh, it’s working now, yay!  Some choice quotes:

    Instead of a real world high school, we have a fantasyland of happy, shirtless teens hanging out in the    showers or dancing on million dollar stages.

    If this is what they think of Glee, how do they react to Gossip Girl?

    But this show is a drug of false expectations that will inevitably harm our children. It convinces impressionable teens to avoid serious career training in favor of having “fun” in the “arts.” Also, the music numbers just drag down the plot of the show.

    Lol, I love that they felt the need to capitalize “fun” and the “arts.”

    The link between watching the Girls and increased risks of homosexual behavior was made abundantly meaningful. In a nutshell, the Golden Girls turned a generation away from procreation.

    Wow, I’m learning so much!

    Look into the eyes of a young Kurt Hummel. Is that not the face our of future’s polymorphously perverse intellectual terrorist? Change the channel my friends. Change the channel and change the world!

    Those intellectual terrorists sure are scary.   But here’s the real problem with Glee:

    Additionally, the show has far too many musical numbers.

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  • scissors
    February 18th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    Ooh, exciting new promo for Glee!   April still seems too far away though . . .

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  • scissors
    February 16th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    Another of my favorite, albeit non teenage-related, shows, is Lost.  Which is why I really appreciated Jimmy Fallon’s parody called Late, about a mysterious elevator accident that strands a group of writers on a deserted floor of the building.  If you’ve seen Lost, then you’ll really like how they’ve recreated elements from the first few episodes of Lost, including the soundtrack and even some dialogue.  And I think Jimmy Fallon actually does a really spot-on Jack (aka Matthew Fox).

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  • scissors
    February 11th, 2010AllieUncategorized

    I realize that last time I did this I called it my Teenage TV Character of the Week, but then I didn’t do another one for like 3 weeks, which is kind of a fail on my part.  In order to prevent fails like that in the future, I’m just gonna call this my “Favorite Teenage TV Characters” post.

    This time: Veronica Mars!  I love Veronica for some of the same reasons that I love Buffy: she’s a really strong female character who’s witty and snarky, but still worries about high school (and college) problems and hasn’t figured everything out yet.   A former shallow popular girl turned quirky private detective after her best friend’s murder and her own rape, Veronica is funny, witty, smart, and, well, pretty too.   Also, like Rory Gilmore or Seth Cohen, she’s got a vast arsenal of pop culture references at her disposal and makes jokes that probably only a small portion of the show’s viewers will actually understand.

    And here’s a funny Veronica scene:

    You can watch Veronica Mars on theWB.com website, so go do that!

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  • scissors
    February 1st, 2010AllieUncategorized

    So I’m a big fan of The OC, and I’m also a big fan of another Josh Schwartz show, Chuck.  Which is why I love that he parodied himself in this clip from Chuck which is nearly identical to the scene at the end of The OC episode, “The Countdown.”

    (for this one, the specific parts starts at around :10 and ends at about 2:00)

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